Ongoing Situation in the Middle East is No Excuse for Antisemitism

Ongoing Situation in the Middle East is No Excuse for Antisemitism

We know from the work of the Community Security Trust, that when there are times of conflict in...

Hate crimes surge in London ‘fuelled in part by Israel’s invasion of Gaza’

Hate crime in London surged in the last year driven in part by international events such as Syria...
Anti-Muslim hate crimes, 2012-2014 in London: An Analysis of the Situation

Anti-Muslim hate crimes, 2012-2014 in London: An Analysis of the Situation

On 1 October 2014, the BBC reported that anti-Muslim hate crime had increased 65% in London. This...
Levels of Antisemitism Are a Weather Vane On Hate Crimes Against Faith & Race Groups

Levels of Antisemitism Are a Weather Vane On Hate Crimes Against Faith & Race Groups

The Canary in a Coalmine Many people have asked us why we have raised the spectre of antisemitism...

Carol Malone is Right About Tackling Extremism, Wrong to Blame Muslims as a Whole, by Steve Rose

The totalitarian and iconoclastic lusts of ISIS are a recurring nightmare.  A blood soaked pursuit...