Five-year-olds target Muslim classmate with abuse

Five-year-olds target Muslim classmate with abuse

A five-year-old Muslim pupil was abused by classmates who said: “Muslims kill animals and people,...
Stand Up! Education Against Discrimination

Stand Up! Education Against Discrimination

Stand Up! Education Against Discrimination’ is an interfaith programme managed by Streetwise and...
Trump revokes Obama guidelines on transgender bathrooms

Trump revokes Obama guidelines on transgender bathrooms

President Donald Trump’s administration on Wednesday revoked landmark guidance issued to...
With the Niqab Being a Political Football, Let’s Listen to the Voice of One Who Wears It

With the Niqab Being a Political Football, Let’s Listen to the Voice of One Who Wears It

Since Jack Straw’s comments exactly a decade ago, the Niqab has been in political debate...
Over-Reactions on Prevent Are Causing Fears Within Muslim Students

Over-Reactions on Prevent Are Causing Fears Within Muslim Students

Over the last few months, we have received a number of cases involving schools and where Muslim...