(1) What kinds of racism or prejudice have you experienced whilst conducting your duties as a councillor? It could have been perpetrated by other councillors, local authority staff, residents or individuals working in organisations that you have liaised with on behalf of local residents?
(2) When did these racist or prejudicial incidents take place? If they took place on multiple occasions, can you reflect on approximate dates when they took place from May 2018?
(3) What triggered the racist or prejudicial incident that you faced? Can you explain in some detail? You may feel more comfortable expressing minimal information. However – it remains your choice, and no pressure is added to be more detailed than you feel comfortable telling.
(4) When you suffered the racist or prejudicial incident, were multiple elements of your identities targeted? For example, was gender and racist abuse targeted at you in a single incident?
If any other, please describe
(6) Can you describe whether the majority of the racist or prejudicial incidents that were targeted at you were perpetrated by (i) other councillors, (ii) local authority officers in Enfield Council, (iii) local residents in your ward or in the Borough of Enfield (iv) staff in stakeholder organisations that you have engaged with in the course of your councillor duties or (v) anyone else?
(7) What action/s did you take when you suffered the racist or prejudicial incident? Who did you report the incident to, and can you explain what you did?
(9) If you reported to someone in the local Labour Group, what process were you advised to follow and can you describe the process?
(10) What was the response and outcome of the incident reported?
(11) Did you report the incident/s to the police? If so, can you describe what you did?
(13) What was the outcome of your reporting the racist or prejudicial hate incident – whether to local Labour group officers or the police?
(14) Can you describe how you felt about the outcome/s of the report/s you made?
(15) Have you been the target of a violent hate crime in the course of your duties as councillor? If so, can you describe the incident/s below?
(18) If you have suffered online hate incidents in your duties as a councillor, can you list details of what took place and any support provided by the local authority, police or members/officers of the local Labour group?
(19) If you were emotionally, mentally or physically harmed because of the race and hate incidents, can you describe its impacts on you?
(20) If you were emotionally, mentally or physically harmed because of the race and hate incidents, can you describe its impacts on your family?
(21) Can you describe what short, medium, or long-term impacts the hate incidents have had on you?
(24) Is there anything else that you would like to add?