Did Vue Cinema Discriminate Against Non-Muslims, by Steve Rose

Did Vue Cinema Discriminate Against Non-Muslims, by Steve Rose

Did the Star City entertainment complex in Birmingham wilfully discriminate against non-Muslims?...
‘Anti-Muslim Overview, Analysis & Cumulative Extremism’, July 2014

‘Anti-Muslim Overview, Analysis & Cumulative Extremism’, July 2014

This is the latest anti-Muslim overview report which independently analyses the TELL MAMA data...
An Insight into the Daily Star Exclusive on ‘Muslim Only’ Rental Ads by Steve Rose

An Insight into the Daily Star Exclusive on ‘Muslim Only’ Rental Ads by Steve Rose

A recent Daily Star “exclusive” is correct to highlight discriminatory “to rent” adverts but other...

The Domino Effect: Hear A Victim’s Testimony on anti-Muslim hate & International Impacts

This is the actual text of a female victim of anti-Muslim hate, (Hasina), who was attacked in the...

Under-Reporting of Anti-Muslim Hate Still an Ongoing Problem

The June MET hate crime figures are out and it seems that June’s figures when compared to...
Britain First and the Intimidation of Mosque Worshippers in England

Britain First and the Intimidation of Mosque Worshippers in England

This is an infographic showing the mosques which have been targeted by Britain First across the...