Our Services
Tell MAMA provides counselling support to victims of anti-Muslim hate or Islamophobia in addition to the casework, emotional support, legal signposting, advocacy, and court attendance support that Tell MAMA provides to those who experience anti-Muslim hatred or Islamophobia.
Our counselling service is open and available to people who call into Tell MAMA and who have been the victims of such hatred and intolerance. It is a six-session counselling service that will provide an initial assessment session, leading to the option of the six counselling sessions over three months. This is a time-limited set of sessions, given that we are looking to provide the service to as many people as possible.
The counselling sessions are free and are provided by professional and trainee counsellors who are in the advanced stages of their training and development in counselling. The practice used in counselling can be described as a humanistic integrative style of counselling that provides a range of therapeutic, supportive frameworks for the client’s needs.
It is a free service, and Tell MAMA does not charge for the use of its counselling services. We understand, however, that access to free counselling services is minimal and that demand has been growing rapidly over the last decade, notably after the Covid-19 pandemic. It is why we want to reduce barriers to a quality counselling service for people living with Islamophobia and anti-Muslim abuse.
We are fully aware that being the victim of a hate incident or hate crime can lead to emotional or mental health impacts. However, you do not have to suffer in silence alone, and we are here to assist and help.
If you would like to access the service or find out more about it, e-mail us on counselling@tellmamauk.org. Additionally, if you would like to volunteer as a counsellor for the service, do get in touch with us.