
Anti-Muslim cases surge in UK since Hamas attacks, charity finds

Feb 23rd, 2024

Anti-Muslim hate in the UK has more than tripled in the four months since Hamas’s attacks, a charity has found.

Tell Mama has documented 2,010 Islamophobic incidents between 7 October and 7 February – a steep rise from the 600 it recorded for the same period the year previously.

Israel-Hamas war: Muslim pro-Palestine supporter ‘could have been killed’ after brick hurled through window

Feb 23rd, 2024

A Muslim woman has told Sky News she “could have been killed” by a brick thrown through her window over her support for Palestine.

‘Deeply worrying’ police data shows sharp rise in religious hate crimes after Israel-Gaza war

Jan 4th, 2024

The number of antisemitic hate crimes recorded by many of the UK’s largest police forces jumped sharply in the weeks following the outbreak of the Hamas-Israel conflict, new figures reveal.

Opinion: While we may be fearful right now, we must never lose hope

Nov 21st, 2023

Our respect for our country, our pride in who we are, our humour and the hope we hold on to even in the darkest of times are what defines us, writes barrister Sarah Sackman

Give police more powers amid 10-fold rise in antisemitic attacks, says UK adviser

Nov 13th, 2023

John Woodcock claims largely peaceful Palestinian marches ‘clearly a factor’ in intimidation of Jewish communities

Islamophobic incidents

‘I was terrified’: Islamophobic incidents up by 600% in UK since Hamas attack

Nov 10th, 2023

Figures shared with ITV News show a sevenfold increase in Islamophobic hate crimes since Hamas’ attack on October 7 compared to the same period last year.

Cases of anti-Muslim hate ‘have more than doubled’ in a decade

Jul 21st, 2023

Anti-Muslim attacks globally, political discourse, and terrorism were some of the factors behind spike

‘Punched and told to leave Britain’: Islamophobia reaches record high

Jul 21st, 2023

Mosques have been subjected to abuse including threats and violence, ITV News’ social affairs correspondent Stacey Foster reports. Words by social affairs producer Iram Sarwar

Muslim group criticises `unchecked racism´ found by Casey review of Met Police

Mar 22nd, 2023

A leading Muslim organisation has condemned the “unchecked racism and discrimination” described in a damning review of the Metropolitan Police.

Muslim group criticises ‘unchecked racism’ found by Casey review of Met Police

Mar 22nd, 2023

A leading Muslim organisation has condemned the “unchecked racism and discrimination” described in a damning review of the Metropolitan Police.

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