
‘Punish a Muslim Day’ Letters Rattle U.K. Communities
LONDON — The anonymous letters arrived this weekend in plain white envelopes with second-class stamps, and were sent to people in at least six communities in England.

Police investigate as ‘Punish a Muslim Day’ letters sent to Birmingham
Police are investigating a possible hate crime after reports that anti-Islamic letters were posted across the country.

‘Punish a Muslim Day’ letter sent to Leicester, campaigners confirm
A letter which encourages people to carry out acts of violence against Muslims has been sent to at least one address in Leicester, it has been confirmed.

UK police probe anti-Muslim hate letter
Letter sent across UK promotes so-called ‘Punish a Muslim Day,’ encouraging acts of violence, hate crimes
British counter-terrorism police have launched a probe into a hate letter calling for acts of violence against Muslims.

Counterterror police investigate ‘punish a Muslim’ day letters
Leaflet offers vague rewards of points for throwing acid and beating Muslims or bombing mosques and ‘nuking’ Mecca.
Counterterrorism police in the UK are investigating a possible hate crime after several people received letters calling on them to attack Muslims on April 3, termed in the leaflet as “punish a Muslim” day.

‘Punish a Muslim day’ letters probed by terror police
Letters encouraging recipients to take part in “Punish a Muslim Day” have reportedly been sent to addresses across the country.

Counter-terror unit investigates ‘Punish a Muslim day’ letter that rewards bombing mosques
A ‘Punish a Muslim day’ letter that encourages violence against members of the religion is being investigated by counter-terrorism police.

Police investigate possible hate crime over anti-Islam letters
West Yorkshire police confirm reports of letters advertising ‘Punish a Muslim Day’

Met Police investigating vile ‘punish a Muslim’ letter circulating in London
Scotland Yard is investigating a possible hate crime after reports a letter encouraging people to “punish a Muslim” was posted in London.
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