Dame Louise Ellman MP, 25/07/2018
Director – London Mosque, 03/06/2018
Female Respondent, 25/09/2017
“I wish to thank Tell MAMA for all efforts made for listening and arranging a meeting with Tell MAMA staff. I was dealt with calmly and very professionally. Thanking you ever so much. It is the very first time since I have lived in England (24yrs), that I feel supported and strong! May Allah Bless you all for working so hard to protect people in such a situation.”
Female Respondent, 10/08/2017
Male Respondent, 12/05/2017
“Thank you for your email. L*** has been in touch with me and has been very kind and extremely helpful. I have also spoken to her regarding the website.
Your organisation is doing a wonderful job. Thank you so much.”
Female Respondent 28/10/2016
“I have just watched the report on Crime Watch and like many others in the UK I am appalled at the behaviour that Muslims have encountered at any time, but particularly since the Brexit vote.
I believe the UK is stronger through the diversity of the population and richer when people come together to learn and share, than in fear and isolation.
I wish you and team the strength and courage to go on delivering the fantastic support needed within the community, by all who feel excluded or marginalised. I will not stay silent or look away, if I witness any of these vile acts in my daily life.”
Female Respondent 13/09/2016
“I have just watched the upsetting feature about hate crime on Crime Watch.
As a white British gay man, I really wanted to say thank you for all the work you do support the victims of hate crime and combat this dreadful type of crime.
Keep up the good work. I long for a time when British society feels completely inclusive. The role you play is critical particularly right now.”
Male Respondent 13/09/2016
“A few nights ago on our SBS tv channel a documentary aired on Dateline titled ‘Racist Britain’, in which your organisation was featured. I was only just able to watch it and I am speechless.
My parents were both born in England and even though I was born here in Melbourne, I have always been proud of my English heritage and adore UK history, especially London history. I have never been to England and ache to go…but having seen this documentary…wow. I feel sick that what I’ve always thought of as a wonderfully multicultural and inclusive country is starting to become, well, a lot like Australia: there is a simmering racist undercurrent that is becoming more and more mainstream and acceptable every day. It is disgusting and depressing.
My purpose for emailing is to say THANK YOU for what you do. I am glad the Muslim community over there has organisations like yours to turn to for help and support. I am also profoundly sorry for the appalling behaviour you encounter every day, and as much as I hope it will get better, I can’t help thinking it is only going to get worse.
Please stay strong and keep up your wonderful work.”
Female Respondent 25/08/2016
Female Respondent 08/07/2016
“Thank you very much. I appreciate all your help and time with this.
I think what you do is absolutely amazing, we need you to be able to help vulnerable Muslims who are suffering Islamaphobia in this day and age.”
Female Respondent 16/05/2016
Female Respondent 15/12/2015
Female Respondent 03/12/2015
“Your organisation is doing vital work.”
“I’ve really appreciated the support given with recent incidents. I’ve been just been accepting a lot recently as inevitable rather than standing up for myself and the community. I wasn’t even sure police would take this seriously. But after contacting you and giving my statement last week it’s clear they are. Thanks again”
Female Respondent 09/10/2015
Male Respondent 26/09/2015
‘We live in an age where abuse wether it is verbal, physical or online is becoming commonplace. However, being quiet and suffering in silence is not a sign of strength but standing up to those who want to hurt you does takes courage. Thanks to TellMamaUK you need never be alone again.’
“It is very important that everyone in the Muslim community knows they now have an organisation which will stand by them and support them through dark times. Being silent is no longer an option because there is no need for anyone to accept that this sort of abuse is part and parcel of daily life in Britain today. It is not acceptable and never will be in a democratic society where everyone is judged to be equal regardless of their faith, beliefs, skin colour, gender or culture.”
“I have personally experienced what it is like to be a target of Islamophobia and it is hurtful, debilitating and painful in its many forms. Having TellMamaUK in my corner certainly helped me and I’m sure the organisation has helped countless others, especially women and girls who are singled out for abuse simply because they wear a hijab.”
“Never be afraid to ask for help.”
Female Respondent 22/09/2015
Female Respondent 06/09/2015
Female Respondent 25/08/2015
Female Respondent 10/08/2015
Female respondent, 15/03/2015
Female Respondent, 16/02/15
Female Respondent, 11/02/15
Male Respondent, 25/01/15
“Just to update you, based on the advice you gave us we were contacted by the local Council ASBO officer who took the matter very seriously and took time to discuss our options with us. They have offered a support worker to us which will help to keep our morale up and they will also provide continuing advice. Thank you once again and we will be sure to inform you of any significant updates.”
Female Respondent, 20/06/13
Twitter Female respondent, 29/06/12
On-line Male Respondent, 05/07/12
Female Respondent, 30/05/12
On-line Male Respondent, 05/07/12
Female Respondent
Female Respondent, 08/08/12
Female Respondent, 10/08/12
Male Respondent, 10/08/12
Female Respondent, 14/08/12
Female Respondent, 09/10/12
Female Respondent, Greater Manchester Area, 25/12/12
Female Respondent, 23/12/12
Mohammed Ansar