Extremist who praised Christchurch terrorist jailed for over four years

Extremist who praised Christchurch terrorist jailed for over four years

A far-right extremist who glorified the Christchurch terrorist received a four-and-a-half-year...
Neo-Nazi jailed for terror offences praised the murder of Jo Cox, shared Christchurch terror attack video

Neo-Nazi jailed for terror offences praised the murder of Jo Cox, shared Christchurch terror attack video

A Lancashire-based neo-Nazi received a prison sentence of over two years for praising the...
Neo-Nazi, 18, guilty of terror offences and who had Christchurch terror attack video, jailed for six years

Neo-Nazi, 18, guilty of terror offences and who had Christchurch terror attack video, jailed for six years

Malakai Wheeler received a six-year prison sentence on November 3 for the possession and...
Recent neo-Nazi terror convictions show Christchurch’s ongoing propaganda influence

Recent neo-Nazi terror convictions show Christchurch’s ongoing propaganda influence

Two neo-Nazis, aged 65 and 60, guilty of terrorism and other offences at different trials this...
Far-right terrorist guilty of plotting attack he hoped would start ‘race war’ in Britain

Far-right terrorist guilty of plotting attack he hoped would start ‘race war’ in Britain

A white supremacist who plotted a terror attack on a police station to instigate a “racial war”...