Social Media Companies Misjudged the Mood of the Home Affairs Select Committee

Social Media Companies Misjudged the Mood of the Home Affairs Select Committee

The recent Home Affairs Select Committee (HASC) report is a damning indictment of the way that...
REPORT: “We Fear for Our Lives”: Offline and Online Experiences of Anti-Muslim Hostility

REPORT: “We Fear for Our Lives”: Offline and Online Experiences of Anti-Muslim Hostility

This report looks at the impact of on-line and off-line experiences of anti-Muslim hostility on...
Home Secretary’s Statement on Tackling Anti-Muslim Hatred

Home Secretary’s Statement on Tackling Anti-Muslim Hatred

This is a statement from the Home Secretary, the Rt Hon Amber Rudd MP, to Tell MAMA on the issue...
Tell MAMA, Our Achievements, Our Effectiveness & Ensuring Positive Change

Tell MAMA, Our Achievements, Our Effectiveness & Ensuring Positive Change

Changing the parliamentary debate on anti-Muslim hate, counter-extremism and Muslim communities...
Over 100 Mosques Targeted and Attacked Since May 2013

Over 100 Mosques Targeted and Attacked Since May 2013

As part of the #No2H8November campaign of public information, we within Tell MAMA have highlighted...