Dudley Mosque, Britain First

This video (from Team EBF – Exposing Britain First) highlights anti-Muslim rhetoric by far right extremist Paul Golding. Laughably, Golding attempts to ‘separate’ “local Dudley English people,” from Muslims which can be a dog whistle for racism as well as anti-Muslim hate since a majority of the people filmed outside the Dudley mosque in this video seem to be British Muslims of South Asian heritage.

Following on from Jayda Fransen’s vomitous rant that we reported in to West Midlands Police, true to form, Paul Golding follows in her steps as he reflects that if pork material is buried in the grounds of the Dudley mosque, the Quran (he says), states that the mosque cannot be built. Sheikh Golding has been up too many nights reading something, though clearly not the Quran.

Golding states that “we will do anything to stop this,” and “we will buy a pig unless the whole thing is scrapped.” Pigs beware we say, Golding is on the march and we expect some form of a fundraising internet campaign from Britain First to raise funds for the porcine material.

Golding goes onto say, “Worse case scenario is that we will find out where the mega mosque is and we will bury a pig in the ground.” Golding was followed on by his mumbling counterpart who repeated the same words as if in some kind of tantric trance.

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the ‘patriots who aim to protect the nation.’ God help us all we say.