TELL MAMA 2014/2015 Findings on Anti-Muslim Hate

TELL MAMA 2014/2015 Findings on Anti-Muslim Hate

Some of the key findings in the TELL MAMA 2014/2015 report include: – 548 verified incidents...
Ryan Air Shirks its Responsibility to Act on Anti-Muslim Comments

Ryan Air Shirks its Responsibility to Act on Anti-Muslim Comments

The Daily Mirror highlighted the following story involving Ryan Air captain Iain Inglis who joked...

Mosque Receives Hate Filled Material, Threats, Porn and a Hoax Letter from the Prime Minister

A mosque in the North West region of England has received numerous threats, letters with obscene...
North East Infidels/Pegida Try to Disrupt Activities in Hartlepool Ahmaddiya Mosque

North East Infidels/Pegida Try to Disrupt Activities in Hartlepool Ahmaddiya Mosque

Hartlepool mosque decided to open its doors a few days ago and to invite a London based Imam to...

‘Sand Monkey’ Taunts at Visible Muslim Female on Train

On a recent train to London, a Tell MAMA service user did not think about her faith, or her...

Proposed Neo-Nazi Demonstration is Against Us All

The proposed neo-nazi demonstration set for Saturday the 4th of July is a way of intimidating...