Britain First Facebook Page Praises Jean Marie Le Pen

Britain First Facebook Page Praises Jean Marie Le Pen

If anyone had some doubt that Britain First were a nationalist far right extremist group, then...
The Dudley mosque campaign

The Dudley mosque campaign

It took almost a decade for councillors to approve a new mosque in Dudley, after the initial...

The Unvarnished Reality of the Dudley Mosque Affair

It took almost a decade for councillors to approve a new mosque in Dudley, after the initial...

Anti-Muslim prejudice: some causes and counter-strategies, by Mohammed Amin

Mohammed Amin is a patron of Tell MAMA. He is writing in a personal capacity. In my view there are...
We Will Bury a Pig, (on the Site of the Dudley Mosque), says Paul Golding of Britain First

We Will Bury a Pig, (on the Site of the Dudley Mosque), says Paul Golding of Britain First

This video (from Team EBF – Exposing Britain First) highlights anti-Muslim rhetoric by far...
Katie Hopkins accused of making more anti-Muslim statements

Katie Hopkins accused of making more anti-Muslim statements

The Hopkins Troll is a media personality enabled by our admiration, revulsion and curiosity to...