Online Behaviours Which Threaten Mosques

Online Behaviours Which Threaten Mosques

A recent Huffington Post article highlighted Britain First’s ‘endorsement’ of Facebook posts...
51 Anti-Muslim Incidents in France, mapped by TELL MAMA

51 Anti-Muslim Incidents in France, mapped by TELL MAMA

For those who believe that there are no repercussions for Muslim communities after national events...
Third Mosque Attack in Sweden Sends Fear Into Local Muslim Communities

Third Mosque Attack in Sweden Sends Fear Into Local Muslim Communities

As many people celebrated a New Year in Sweden, anti-Muslim bigots sent a Molotov cocktail through...
Community Alert: Please Remain Vigilant in Mosques At Friday Prayers Today

Community Alert: Please Remain Vigilant in Mosques At Friday Prayers Today

This is a community alert based on threats that have been made on-line and which have been...
Threats to Mosques Continue on Far Right Sites

Threats to Mosques Continue on Far Right Sites

We are aware that mosques have become the focal point once again on some extremist far right...