Vile British National Party Leaflet Shows How Extremist Groups Use Fear of Muslims

Vile British National Party Leaflet Shows How Extremist Groups Use Fear of Muslims

BNP Leaflet Was Circulated to Cause Maximum Division Within Communities We have received this...
BNP Attempt to Join ‘Pegida’ Rally in 10 Downing Street Today

BNP Attempt to Join ‘Pegida’ Rally in 10 Downing Street Today

The British National Party (BNP) are looking to join the handful of ‘Pegida’...
Russia’s Allies in Europe: An Infographical Depiction
Twitter Happy to Host Extreme Far Right Fascist Accounts & Continues to Do so

Twitter Happy to Host Extreme Far Right Fascist Accounts & Continues to Do so

One example of an account which has been reported to Twitter on a number of occasions by us has...
Ryan McGee, a History of Hate with Weapons, But Not Classed a Terrorist

Ryan McGee, a History of Hate with Weapons, But Not Classed a Terrorist

The played out script features a self-radicalised ‘loner’ who found comfort in extreme sections of...