Did Vue Cinema Discriminate Against Non-Muslims, by Steve Rose

Did Vue Cinema Discriminate Against Non-Muslims, by Steve Rose

Did the Star City entertainment complex in Birmingham wilfully discriminate against non-Muslims?...
Britain First ‘Invade’ 2 Mosques in Bradford

Britain First ‘Invade’ 2 Mosques in Bradford

It seems that Britain First have been active again in their targeting of mosques (masjids)....

Speech to be given tonight by Fiyaz Mughal-Director of TELL MAMA

Secretary of State, Minister of State, Lords, Ladies and Gentlemen, thank you for attending our...
Dawkins Again, Retweeting Lazy Stereotypes About Muslims

Dawkins Again, Retweeting Lazy Stereotypes About Muslims

International Women’s Day As many were celebrating International Women’s Day, Richard...

Geller and Spencer Must Be Kept Out Of The UK

We understand that anti-Muslim arch promoter, Pamela Geller and her Z lister arch side kick,...