Britain First – Fighting Over a Packet of Sweets

Britain First – Fighting Over a Packet of Sweets

Just when you thought that this could be a very late April fools, sadly, it turns out that it was...
ClickBait Tactics of Britain First Around Rotherham Are Deeply Inflammatory

ClickBait Tactics of Britain First Around Rotherham Are Deeply Inflammatory

Britain First’s on-line tactics are concerning and reflective of the manipulative manner in...
Remember this next time you buy your Kebab (from a Turk), say Britain First Facebook posters

Remember this next time you buy your Kebab (from a Turk), say Britain First Facebook posters

The precarious situation in the Middle East has come to the forefront, with the bombing of ISIS...

Response from the Prime Minister’s Office on anti-Muslim Hate

This is a letter received from the Office of the Prime Minister in response to our briefing on...
Bigoted anti-Muslim Graphics Start to do the Rounds

Bigoted anti-Muslim Graphics Start to do the Rounds

The following is an example of the kind of graphic that is doing the rounds after the terrible...