Man threatens to ‘lynch’ Muslim woman in niqab

Man threatens to ‘lynch’ Muslim woman in niqab

A Muslim woman, who wears a niqab, was threatened with being ‘lynched’ as she passed a man in a...
Muslim woman in niqab called a ‘postbox’ as she walked to work

Muslim woman in niqab called a ‘postbox’ as she walked to work

A Muslim woman was shouted at and called a ‘postbox’ by a group of construction workers on her way...
Muslim woman in niqab told she should be ‘shot’

Muslim woman in niqab told she should be ‘shot’

A Muslim woman, who wears the niqab, confided to Tell MAMA that she is fearful of another...
Pensioners loudly echo Boris Johnson’s niqab comments in doctor’s surgery

Pensioners loudly echo Boris Johnson’s niqab comments in doctor’s surgery

A Muslim woman was made to feel uncomfortable when waiting for a doctor’s appointment in London as...
Muslim family repeatedly called the N-word and ‘suicide bomber’ on London bus

Muslim family repeatedly called the N-word and ‘suicide bomber’ on London bus

A Muslim mother and her young daughter were racially abused and taunted with Islamophobic abuse on...