UKIP and Islamophobia After Charlie Hebdo, by Bharath Ganesh

UKIP and Islamophobia After Charlie Hebdo, by Bharath Ganesh

Nigel Farage came awfully close to far-right rhetoric in Brussels on Monday: ‘we do have, I’m...
Now Russia. Anti-Muslim Hate Touches Mosque in Moscow

Now Russia. Anti-Muslim Hate Touches Mosque in Moscow

We received the following information regarding anti-Muslim hate targeted towards a mosque in...
Map of Anti-Muslim Incidents in France after the Charlie Hebdo Massacre

Map of Anti-Muslim Incidents in France after the Charlie Hebdo Massacre

These are anti-Muslim incidents that have taken place in France, up to and including till Friday...
A Snapshot of Europe Based Anti-Muslim Prejudice Into the New Year

A Snapshot of Europe Based Anti-Muslim Prejudice Into the New Year

In the ebb and flow of European anti-Muslim prejudice, the New Year followed a depressing pattern...
React with Solidarity Between Communities, #JeSuisJuif

React with Solidarity Between Communities, #JeSuisJuif

On the start of the Sabbath, an antisemitic hate attack led to the death of 4 people shopping in a...
Twitter Continues to Fail in Removing anti-Muslim Hate Accounts, @davymaccas

Twitter Continues to Fail in Removing anti-Muslim Hate Accounts, @davymaccas

Last Saturday the Independent highlighted, on its front page, the lack of action by Twitter and...