Far Right Britain First, Rails Against South Yorkshire Police

Far Right Britain First, Rails Against South Yorkshire Police

This correspondence was sent into us and highlights the inflammatory nature and tone of e-mails...
Britain First Facebook Posts Awash With Bigotry Towards Aaqil Ahmed, BBC Head

Britain First Facebook Posts Awash With Bigotry Towards Aaqil Ahmed, BBC Head

The Head of Religion and Ethics in the BBC, Aaqil Ahmed, recently posted this blog on why he made...
Remember this next time you buy your Kebab (from a Turk), say Britain First Facebook posters

Remember this next time you buy your Kebab (from a Turk), say Britain First Facebook posters

The precarious situation in the Middle East has come to the forefront, with the bombing of ISIS...
Regina (State) vs Paul Golding (2014) – Counter Terrorism Division of the CPS

Regina (State) vs Paul Golding (2014) – Counter Terrorism Division of the CPS

We have highlighted the following case to show the actions of far right groups like Britain First...
How is this Not Inflammatory? Posts on Britain First’s Facebook Page

How is this Not Inflammatory? Posts on Britain First’s Facebook Page

How many times has the extremist group Britain First skirted right to the edge of the legal limit?...