Incidents Showing More Aggression Towards Muslims on the Streets

Incidents Showing More Aggression Towards Muslims on the Streets

Over the last 8-10 weeks it is becoming clear that anti-Muslim incidents are becoming more...
Katie Hopkins Felt That She Wanted To Hurl Her Radio Through A Halal Only Subway

Katie Hopkins Felt That She Wanted To Hurl Her Radio Through A Halal Only Subway

We are back to Katie Hopkins since whilst her views are ill-informed, ill-judged and on some...
5 positive stories about British Muslims you’ve probably not read

5 positive stories about British Muslims you’ve probably not read

1.  Raising over £38,000 for a hospital to purchase life-saving equipment In just six weeks, eight...

Raising Activities Against Anti-Muslim Hate & Raising the Bar on Effectiveness

On Sunday, 21 September 2014, Tell MAMA launched a letter-writing campaign encouraging the British...