Does Kevin Carroll Regard the Murder of Rohingya Muslims as Self-Preservation?

Does Kevin Carroll Regard the Murder of Rohingya Muslims as Self-Preservation?

Can you all remember Kevin Carroll sitting at the London press release of their (Tommy and...

The Tommy and Mo Show

Well after what can only be called a promotional coup for Tommy Robinson and a jilted elbow to...

Tommy Robinson & His Future Career – PRESS STATEMENT

PRESS STATEMENT Date: 08/10/2013 Contact: 0800 456 1226 E-mail: RESPONSE TO...
The Reality of the English Defence League – Shameful!

The Reality of the English Defence League – Shameful!

A recent set of posts on the English Defence League’s official account are very telling as...

Are the EDL a Far Right Group asks Lord Tebbit – on Many Occasions

Very recently, the TELL MAMA project wrote to a range of policy shapers on the independent report...