Racist shouted ‘Go back to Iraq’ at Muslim woman who challenged his misogynistic abuse in a supermarket car park

Racist shouted ‘Go back to Iraq’ at Muslim woman who challenged his misogynistic abuse in a supermarket car park

A South Asian Muslim woman who wears the hijab was walking with their husband in a Morrisons car...
Mother and daughter racially abused and assaulted in changing room

Mother and daughter racially abused and assaulted in changing room

A woman racially abused a black Muslim woman and then assaulted her and her young daughter at a...
Racist coughed in Muslim woman’s face and told her he had Covid-19

Racist coughed in Muslim woman’s face and told her he had Covid-19

A racist man coughed in the face of a Muslim woman and told her he had the coronavirus (Covid-19)...
Muslim woman called “Muzzie scumbag” as she walked near King’s Cross station

Muslim woman called “Muzzie scumbag” as she walked near King’s Cross station

A Muslim woman walking near King’s Cross station was racially abused by an older white male...
Muslim man targeted for his beard and faith by an aggressive driver

Muslim man targeted for his beard and faith by an aggressive driver

The Metropolitan Police are investigating the anti-Muslim and Islamophobic abuse directed towards...