Shot Allegedly Fired at Young Female Muslim in the Rotherham Area. Police Find No Evidence

Shot Allegedly Fired at Young Female Muslim in the Rotherham Area. Police Find No Evidence

We received notice of an incident in the Rotherham area yesterday evening which according to the...
Teacher in Rotherham Under Police Investigation for Alleged Anti-Muslim Bigotry

Teacher in Rotherham Under Police Investigation for Alleged Anti-Muslim Bigotry

A TEACHER at a school in Rotherham is under police investigation after it was reported that he...
16 Year Old Boy of Pakistani Heritage Attacked in Rotherham

16 Year Old Boy of Pakistani Heritage Attacked in Rotherham

Reports have come in of an assault on a 16-year-old boy in Rotherham. The town has become a...
Statements from Rotherham Activists Suggest Extremists Stay Away

Statements from Rotherham Activists Suggest Extremists Stay Away

As the far right extremist group Britain First continues to play up and raise the temperature...
Far Right Britain First, Rails Against South Yorkshire Police

Far Right Britain First, Rails Against South Yorkshire Police

This correspondence was sent into us and highlights the inflammatory nature and tone of e-mails...