Assault on Muslim Female Shows the Impact of anti-Muslim Hate Crimes

Assault on Muslim Female Shows the Impact of anti-Muslim Hate Crimes

We were contacted by a member of the public who signposted us to a Facebook post that a Muslim...
Community Alert: Please Remain Vigilant in Mosques At Friday Prayers Today

Community Alert: Please Remain Vigilant in Mosques At Friday Prayers Today

This is a community alert based on threats that have been made on-line and which have been...

Posting Anti-Muslim or Antisemitic Cartoons or Graphics Are Unacceptable. So Why Do It Dilly Hussain?

It has been brought to our attention, that the Deputy Editor of the 5Pillarz web-site, Dilly...
Katie Hopkins Suggests Muslims Are Potential Paedophiles & Spouts Spurious Claims About Halal Meat

Katie Hopkins Suggests Muslims Are Potential Paedophiles & Spouts Spurious Claims About Halal Meat

We really have tried on many occasions not to give Katie Hopkins the oxygen of publicity, though...

Leo McKinstry of the Express & the Recycling of Myths and Stereotypes About Muslims, by Steve Rose

Leo McKinstry’s recent column analyses the brutal murder of American journalist James Foley. He...

Primark Store and Allegations that it Refuses to Service Niqabi Women in France

This article has been translated by us within TELL MAMA and reproduced from the web-site of...