Threat to Shoot Mosque Attendees Listed in Christmas Card to Institute

Threat to Shoot Mosque Attendees Listed in Christmas Card to Institute

A threatening card was sent to a mosque in the South Yorkshire area recently. Good wishes of...
Arkansas: How the Masjid Al Salam cleared the debts of a man who vandalised it

Arkansas: How the Masjid Al Salam cleared the debts of a man who vandalised it

An Arkansas mosque has cleared the felony debts of a man who vandalised their building in October...
Neo-Nazis target minorities in Dundee and Cambridge

Neo-Nazis target minorities in Dundee and Cambridge

Members of the neo-Nazi group The System Resistance Network (SRN) have distributed anti-refugee,...
Woman spat ‘in the face’ of Muslim boy at the Trafford Centre

Woman spat ‘in the face’ of Muslim boy at the Trafford Centre

A Muslim mother was left reeling after witnessing a woman spit in the face of her young son after...
Man threatened to ‘ram’ Muslim woman onto London Underground tracks

Man threatened to ‘ram’ Muslim woman onto London Underground tracks

British Transport Police are investigating an anti-Muslim incident on the London Underground after...