‘Draconian’ EU security laws target Muslims – Amnesty International

‘Draconian’ EU security laws target Muslims – Amnesty International

A raft of new counterterrorism laws across Europe discriminate against Muslims and refugees,...
Stop Arabic From Becoming the Language of Fear

Stop Arabic From Becoming the Language of Fear

By Hannah Leach @ehlleach ehlleach.wixsite.com/musings It must be said we live in the midst of...
Neo-Nazi terrorist Thomas Mair given whole life term for Jo Cox murder

Neo-Nazi terrorist Thomas Mair given whole life term for Jo Cox murder

The neo-Nazi terrorist Thomas Mair has been found guilty of the murder of Labour MP Jo Cox. The...
A Step by Step View of the Paris Attacks Last Year. We Remember

A Step by Step View of the Paris Attacks Last Year. We Remember

The attacks in Paris on November 13, 2015 by gunmen and suicide bombers left 130 dead and hundreds...
Daily Star on Sunday amends misleading story on UK mosques

Daily Star on Sunday amends misleading story on UK mosques

The Daily Star on Sunday must print a clarification that its investigation into UK mosques raising...