Islam not compatible with German constitution, says AfD party

Islam not compatible with German constitution, says AfD party

The anti-immigration Alternative for Germany (AfD) said on Sunday Islam is not compatible with the...
Success: Circulate the ‘Burn Your Local Mosque’ Graphic and You Will Be Arrested

Success: Circulate the ‘Burn Your Local Mosque’ Graphic and You Will Be Arrested

We have just received information that a case which Tell MAMA reported in, regarding the on-line...
How Trevor Phillips misrepresented ICM’s poll on British Muslims

How Trevor Phillips misrepresented ICM’s poll on British Muslims

After much fanfare, What British Muslims Really Think, aired on Channel 4 last night, hosted by...
Why the latest poll won’t tell us what all British Muslims actually think

Why the latest poll won’t tell us what all British Muslims actually think

Channel 4 commissioned ICM to poll Muslims in Britain on a range of issues from women’s rights to...
Dutch far-right leader tells court – ‘I want fewer Moroccans’

Dutch far-right leader tells court – ‘I want fewer Moroccans’

Geert Wilders, the Dutch politician leading calls for an EU ban on Muslim immigration, defied...
US Muslim Women Strike Back Against Hate Crimes

US Muslim Women Strike Back Against Hate Crimes

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