Statements from Rotherham Activists Suggest Extremists Stay Away
As the far right extremist group Britain First continues to play up and raise the…
Paul Golding of Britain First Shockingly Tries to Justify Possible Reasons for Mushin Ahmed’s Murder
We highlighted the murder of Mushin Ahmed and the impact on local Muslim communities in Rotherham…
Britain First Sympathisers Mock the Deaths of Refugees in Austria
Just when we thought that sympathisers of Britain First could not scrape the bottom of…
Far Right Britain First, Rails Against South Yorkshire Police
This correspondence was sent into us and highlights the inflammatory nature and tone of e-mails…
Mosque Attacked in Woodford Green, Redbridge
We have received a report from a member of the public that a brick was…
Infographic on Racially Aggravated Harassment Offences Collected by BTP
This is an infographic that we have put together on racially aggravated harassment offences recorded…
IPSO Complaints Related to Muslims, Islam, Mosques etc
We thought that we would bring you a monthly round-up of cases that have been…
Call for National Advisory Group Members for Tell MAMA
We are currently in the process of reconstituting our National Advisory Group on Tell MAMA…
‘You Are Going to Leave in a Body Bag’, Comment is Troubling
The North West Infidels, an extremist group that has taken aggressive positions towards Muslims and…
Twitter’s Abysmal Record Demonstrated Here
Earlier today we highlighted the sad death of Mushin Ahmed, a senior citizen, who passed…