The Sentencing of Liam King and Restorative Justice
Liam King received suspended prison sentences for burglary and criminal damage on December 1 2014….
Hate crimes surge in London ‘fuelled in part by Israel’s invasion of Gaza’
Hate crime in London surged in the last year driven in part by international events…
Twitter Happy to Host Extreme Far Right Fascist Accounts & Continues to Do so
One example of an account which has been reported to Twitter on a number of…
Ryan McGee, a History of Hate with Weapons, But Not Classed a Terrorist
The played out script features a self-radicalised ‘loner’ who found comfort in extreme sections of…
Lord Norman Tebbit says EU Migrants Should Be Assessed on Which Side Their Parents Fought For
Who can forget the ‘Cricket Test’ that caused a debate on immigration in 1990. Well,…
5 Things You May Want to Know About TELL MAMA
1) Are you working with other organisations? We work in partnership with a range of…
Dear Ukip, We Need to Talk About Mosques
Dear UKIP, It comes to our attention that a member of your party confused Westminster…
Luton EDL Demonstration Turns into a Melee of Anti-Muslim Hate
The Luton EDL demonstration which took place over the weekend, demonstrates the nature of the…
‘The Rivers of Blood are Close to Overflowing’, says Notice on Proposed Site for Mosque in Redbridge
This was a photograph which was sent to us from a member of the public….
Menacing EDL Demo in Luton Highlights the Aggressive Nature of this ‘Group’
If anyone needed to be reminded of the aggressive and menacing nature of English Defence…