The Story of Natalie and How Muslim Women Are Targeted for Hatred
Natalie wears a Niqab and a Hijab and is a convert to Islam. On the…
Pakistani Community Centre in Harehills, Leeds Goes up in Flames
A fire broke out yesterday evening at the Pakistani Community Centre in Harehills, Leeds. Fire…
Greg Clark addresses issues of community cohesion since the EU referendum, while visiting Dar Al Islam Mosque in London
Addressing issues of community cohesion since last Thursday’s (23 June 2016) EU referendum while visiting…
Some Muslim Women Are Taking Off Their Hijabs
Over the last two years, we have seen a new and depressing phenomenon; that of…
Conservative MP, Michelle Donelan Stands up Against Racism & Hatred
Following a racially motivated verbal attack on a former member of her staff, Michelle Donelan…
The geography of anti-Muslim hatred in 2015: Tell MAMA Annual Report
We are going through a turbulent period in our country economically, socially and around the…
Christian Group, ‘Voice for Justice UK’ Targets Muslim Head of BBC Religion and Ethics
Christian group, ‘Voice for Justice UK’, has raised a petition with 12,000 signatures to remove…
Sacramento stabbing victim says ‘Nazis’ responsible
Multiple people were stabbed during a rally on Sunday (June 26) at the state capitol…
We Don’t Need the Congratulations of Far Right Groups like Marine Le Pen’s
The decision of the EU referendum was made by people for a variety of reasons…
Support within Europe for far right extremism has echoes of a turbulent past
By Nafeez Ahmed, on behalf of Tell MAMA More than half a century after the…